- Place:Kyoto University(Uji Campus) 《Link to access map》
- Main Conference Room, North Bidg. No.4 (IAE, Graduate School of Energy Science)《Bldg No.62》
- Date:12/Sep/2017(Tue)
Registration 12:00 ~
Invited talks 13:00 ~ 17:30
Networking party 18:00 ~
13:00‐13:05 Greeting
13:05‐13:30 Student talk: Mr. Kobayashi (Tokyo Metropolitan Univ.)
13:30‐14:00 Talk: Dr. Mouri (Ritsumeikan Univ.)
14:00‐14:30 Talk: Dr. Takenobu (Nagoya Univ.)
14:30‐14:50 Break
14:50‐15:20 Talk: Dr. Konabe (Tokyo Univ. of Science)
15:20‐15:45 Student talk: Mr. Nguyen (Tohoku Univ.)
15:45‐16:10 Student talk: Mr. Otsuka (Univ. of Tokyo)
16:10‐16:30 Break
16:30‐17:00 Talk: Dr. Hua (Univ. of Tokyo)
17:00‐17:30 Talk: Dr. Yamada (Okayama Univ.)
17:30‐17:35 Greeting
18:00‐ Networking party
Networking party
Place:Near the meeting venue (To be announced later)
*Fee will be announced separately via e-mail after confirmation on the number of participants.
Registration(Meeting/Networking Party)
[Click here for registration]
Registration deadline: 7/Aug/2017
Notification of successful registration will be announced by 30th August 2017.
Please contact the following E-mail address if you have problems.
Contact Info.
- ※Please add【FNTG YRM】in the title of E-mail.
Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya University
Jun Hirotani (The 7th FNTG YRM committee member)
052 - 789 - 4431
hirotani [at] ( Replace [at] to @ )
The 7th FNTG Young Researcher Meeting Committee
Pu Jiang(Nagoya University)
HongEn Lim(Kyoto University)
Jun Hirotani(Nagoya University)
Yohei Yomogida(Tokyo Metropolitan University)